2012年3月7日 星期三

swtor credits 000 yuan - DYX

129745856948537500_16 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tsw-gold/">the secret world gold</a>Report from (reporter Zhou Xin) of 24-year-old girl Liu, withheld company ticket more than 110,000 yuan, company, colleagues her to fabricate all kinds of lies to defraud tens of thousands of dollars.   Reporter was informed yesterday, West city Procuratorate approved the arrest of Liu of fraud. A front office Executive for an advertising company. She found that companies often first ticket to her, but the ticket companyCheckout tends to be delayed for a period of time. April 2011 to July, she took the money to spend, spend just three months have more than 110 eq2 platinum,000 yuan.   Companies know this after the fact to keep track of Liu. In order to pay back the money, Liu made up a good friend out of a car accident, his father died and other lies, to colleagues "borrow" tens of thousands of dollars. For delayed repayments, Liu also uses a different mobile phone pretending to ownSister and mother to appease colleagues.   Liu returned to the company after a $ 90 swtor credits,000, will no longer work. Companies and colleagues after Liu could not be found, called the police to the police.    After the incident, Liu father has paid off and colleagues all the debts of the company. ()

